Reaching Customers through Social Video

 When reaching out to your customer your mobile marketing can involve video that both educates and entertains

Online video isn't a one-way medium. It's a tool you can use to have a conversation with your customers, which they can then share with their friends. Done right, it's a powerful marketing tool.


To best understand how …More at ReachingTo best understand how companies can succeed with social video, we sat down with Roland Hamilton, managing director of Dailymotion USA, during the recent Streaming Media East conference in New York City. Dailymotion is a top video sharing site, and Hamilton has seen plenty of examples of businesses succeeding with video.

“What we’ve seen specifically with brands is that they’ve done really well in being able to use the medium of video, and it’s one of the mediums that’s inherently social,” said Hamilton.

“I remember when I was at the F8 conference, Zuckerburg was talking about the different mediums that are very easily sharable. First, obviously, is photos, and that’s why they bought Instagram. But then you look at music, which is inherently something that’s social, and then video, where you sort of look to your friends to see what’s trending, what’s interesting, what’s out there, and what you’re going to share.”

Businesses stand to gain a lot through video, especially as a promotional tool:

“I think it’s a great way for corporations to be able to — at the top of the funnel — grab awareness,” said Hamilton.

For companies starting out with social video, Hamilton offered some advice: content is still king.

The idea of content is king is not just meaningless content provide relevent content to your customer and you get more engagment and by the proccess of trust gain a customer

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